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Volleyball drills

  • 4 players in 'bowl' formation
  • Coach throws ball to back player
  • LA passes => RV comes into play => RA moves to RV to attack backward setup
  • RA passes => LV comes into play => LA moves to LV to attack backward setup
  • when ball is over the net one turns back to the bowl
  • 2-2
  • Half court, back line = service line mc
  • Play all in 3
    • catch throw 1st ball OH (pass)
      • outstretched arms
    • 2nd ball BH
    • BH over the net
      • stretch all joints
  • Played or thrown over the net:
    • change places
    • turn around each other, back to your own spot
    • lie on the ground, the other on top of you
    • both tap a pawn (at the net posts)
  • First working together (on which field is the first to get it right 7 times in a row)
  • then against each other (who has 5 points first - or 5 minutes)

In 2 groups opposite each other:

  • Hold up 3 balls and only 1 ball at a time in your hand.
  • Hold up 4 balls and you are only allowed to hold up 1 ball at a time.
  • In total 3 balls, where 1 ball is thrown in between and both have 1 ‘own’ ball. Before you catch the thrown ball, you throw your 'own' ball up, catch the thrown ball, throw it back and catch your 'own' ball. And so on.
  • Play 1 ball overhead, 1 ball bounce on the ground.
  • Play 1 ball overhand, 1 ball over ground.
  • Play 1 ball overhand, 1 ball roll with arms stretched over ground.

In 2 groups opposite each other:

  • Hold up 3 balls and only 1 ball at a time in your hand.
  • Hold up 4 balls and you are only allowed to hold up 1 ball at a time.
  • In total 3 balls, where 1 ball is thrown in between and both have 1 ‘own’ ball. Before you catch the thrown ball, you throw your 'own' ball up, catch the thrown ball, throw it back and catch your 'own' ball. And so on.
  • Play1 ball overhead, 1 ball bounce on the ground.
  • Play 1 ball overhand, 1 ball over ground.
  • Play 1 ball overhand, 1 ball roll with arms stretched over ground.
  • players in certain position, trainer calls START and players sprint 3 to 4 steps to a line/net
    • players in 'athletics start' position
    • players on their stomachs with head in running direction
    • players on their stomachs with feet in running direction
    • players on their stomachs with dominant hand stretched forward
      • at the start they roll to the dominant side 1x, stand up and sprint
  • put players in a bowl
  • 2 teams against each other
  • 1 team serves 3x well (OH)
  • other team receives pass and follows system as RA or RV passes:
    • pass to MV (possibly hang ribbon in net)
    • LV outfield player runs to MV
    • LA runs to LV
    • SV:
      • gives setup forward on RV OR backward on LV
      • OR BH catching move
    • as soon as the ball is over the net, LV and LA turn back to their original position

  • row of players behind the back line
  • First player lies down on his belly
  • trainer stands at the other side of the net
  • hits the ball and throws the ball
  • player stands up and passes to midfielder/SV
  • SV catches or grabs the ball and passes to trainer
  • passer becomes SV
  • try to keep a high tempo

  • low net
  • 2 passers, 1 off-set (SV), 2 server/BH throwers
  • servers throw the ball tight to the passers
  • passer plays ball to centre, centre catches ball
  • everyone 1 place through
    • passer right , becomes passer left
    • passer left becomes SV
    • SV becomes thrower
    • thrower becomes passer right
  • If throwing goes well, it can also be done with serving.
  • players in certain position, trainer calls START and players sprint 3 to 4 steps to a line/net
    • players in 'athletics start' position
    • players on their stomachs with head in running direction
    • players on their stomachs with feet in running direction
    • players on their stomachs with dominant hand stretched forward
      • at the start they roll to the dominant side 1x, stand up and sprint
  • Walk slowly to the other side of the hall.
  • One player indicates with a "yes" that the other players have to do an assignment.
  • Another player gives the orders on the way back.
  • The exercises are:
    • Tap the ground
    • Turn around your own axis
    • Jump up
    • Walk backwards
    • Heels (6 times)

  • On your hands and feet, at the command backwards on your hands and feet
  • Start with short dribble step (tripplings) to field 2, then continue to knee lift (high tripplings), to field 3, then hop and stretch jump (stretching the body). Remember arms --> 2 times back and forth
  • Squats with arm swing, bend through the knees (weight back as if sitting on a chair) swing the arms down and as soon as you come back up with the arms, the body also comes back up to the toes.--> 10 times tempo, 10 times easy, 5 times super slow
  • Handwalk. Put the hand flat on the ground and walk as far as you can with your hands in front of you, walk back with the hands to below the shoulder, press up then walk with the feet to the hands
  • low net
  • 2 passers, 1 dropkicker (SV), 2 server/BH throwers
  • servers throw the ball tight to the passers
  • passer plays the ball to the centre, centre catches it
  • everyone turn 1 spot forward
    • passer right , becomes passer left
    • passer left becomes SV
    • SV becomes thrower
    • thrower becomes passer right
  • If throwing goes well, you can also do it with serving.
  • players in certain position, trainer calls START and players sprint 3 to 4 steps to a line/net
    • players in 'athletics start' position
    • players on their stomachs with head in running direction
    • players on their stomachs with feet in running direction
    • players on their stomachs with dominant hand stretched forward
      • at the start they roll over to the dominant side 1x, stand up and sprint