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Volleyball drills

  • 3 players on 1 side of the net on 3m line
  • the other 3 in a row also on the 3m line on the other side of the net.
  • Player 1 leaves and goes to block on position 2,
  • on the other side she receives a ball from a player on the 3m line, which she will block.
  • Then the player moves with cross pass to the middle, there she will also block a ball thrown to her.
  • Finally, she receives a ball at position 4 and blocks it there as well.
  • While one player is already blocking in the middle, the next one can already start at position 2
  • After a number of times, you can switch
drawing block displacement along the entire length of the net
  • Coach throws in balls to players starting from the 3m line.
  • Coach throws balls deep in the court and players will have to learn to defend overhead.
  • It is a matter of moving quickly
    • (Keeping hands ready so the ball can be BH'd if necessary).
drawing Defend bra
  • Per 2 players 1 ball
  • person 1 stands at the net (with her back to the net).
  • person 2 stands opposite her on a 3m line.
  • person 1 will throw the ball deep into the court, person 2 moves backwards as fast as possible and tries to play the ball back BH.
  • Pay attention to the quick backward movement, and the correct positioning of the hands already ready to play this ball back BH.
  • The point here is to also be able to return deep serves.


1) From a standing position straight up blocks2
) 1 man block with lateral displacement3
) 1 man block with cross pass4
) 1 man with ball

Divide the players into 2 teams. Each team stands on one side of the net.

  • On each side of the net there are a number of balls (depending on the size of the group you can add or subtract balls).
  • The idea is that the players, once the starting signal is given, throw as many balls as possible to the other side.
  • The team that has the most balls on its side of the net at the end of the game has lost.
  • Each player may only play one ball at a time to the other side!

Variations for playing over/under the net:

  • Roll with 2 arms
  • Roll with 1 arm
  • Overhead throw with 2 arms
  • Overhead throw with stroke arm
  • Overhand throw with non batting arm
  • Bounce with 2 arms in front of the net so that the ball flies over the net after the bounce
  • Bounce under the net (2 arms, later 1 arm, batting arm)
  • 5 balls per player: place 4 balls in a diamond with 1 ball in the middle of the diamond.
  • Players start behind their diamond and walk to the front,
  • there they tap the middle ball,
  • Then they move sideways (left or right) and tap the ball away.
  • Move back to the middle of the diamond and then move sideways to the other side + tap the ball away.
  • Then walk to the front, tap the ball away, back to the middle, backwards and tap the ball away.
  • And finally tap the ball away in the middle.
  • Groups of three players.
  • Two behind each other, at four metres another one.
  • The first one of the pair throws the ball to the player in front of him, this one does a check and then passes to the third player and so on.
  • Pass the ball every time.
  • 4 in attack with playmaker.
  • Other side, 1 on reserve out of the field (right at position 1,2) and 3 in the pass and a dropout.
  • The rest with ball on position 2 at the side of the attackers.
  • These throw the ball to attacker who then pass the ball to SV and get a setup back.
  • Attacking 3 defenders who pass to the offender.
  • Reserve enters the field and the passers rotate.
  • Last passer becomes receiver and receiver goes to line with ball.
  • Exercise for the position of Passeur on 1
  • Pay attention to OH control, good passing for set-up
drawing Passeur on 1
  • Running back line net 3x
  • Lateral passes 1x
  • Cross passes 1x
  • Knees high heels seat 1x
  • Sprints 2x
  • Arms swinging loose 1x


  • Leg hold 1x
  • Leg held back 1x
  • Push leg sideways 1
  • Go through knees and turn exercise 1x
  • 2 players behind each other,
  • back player has ball
  • and the front player does not know when the ball is rolled.
  • The front player runs as soon as the ball is rolled.
  • The front player runs from the moment the ball is rolled.
    • variation by means of another way of standing or holding for the front player.
  • run 2 laps around the big field outside the yellow lines. On the short parts sideways.
  • Run 2 circles around the big field outside the yellow lines. On the short parts cross pass,
drawing Warm-up