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Volleyball drills for technique warming-up

Warm up exercise in relay form

  • Divide the players into groups of 2 or 3 players and place them on the left side of the field.
  • Give each player a tennis ball.
  • At the start sign, the 1st player of each group starts running to the other, right, side with a ball.
  • Once there, they put the ball outside the line and run back as fast as they can so that player 2 of their group can start running with his/her ball.
  • When all the balls are on the right side and the last player has returned to his/her group, it is over.
  • The first one back to his/her group wins.
Put the players in a row next to each other.
About 1 meter in front of them on the ground is a tennis ball.

  • Have them put their feet slightly apart.
  • Quickly run -dribble- in place.
At the trainer's instruction they do while dribbling:
  • Hands on knees.
  • Hands on toes.
  • Hands on shoulders.
  • Hands forward.
  • Hands in the air.
  • When the trainer calls Ball!, they grab the ball as fast as they can.

  • Repeat and throw the commands interchangeably for variety.
Warm-up exercise focusing on neat passing and moving:

  • 2 players with a ball stand about 4 meters apart.
  • Opposite them, 2 twos/threes stand without ball.
  • The players with ball play to the person opposite, this person plays the ball back cleanly and joins the other row shuffling.
  • Carry this through at a fast pace, making sure players are actively moving.
drawing Quick step
Group divide over both courts.

  • Play the ball in a maximum of 2 actions UNDERhand over the net.
  • After each net passage the team rotates one position.
  • If the ball falls on the floor or an opponent has to play the ball differently, the team that played the ball over the net scores.
  • In principle, the game does not have to stop.
  • Should this happen, the ball is brought back into play through an OH service from the backfield.
  • Who has the first 15 points?
Depending on the level, the 2nd ball out of position may be attacked from the backfield.

drawing Only by private treaty
  • Lay 2 benches on side
  • Player sits low in defense position and rolls ball to bench
  • Picks ball back up and moves left all the time
  • Player rolls the ball all the time against the bench
  • Wall tapping
  • Ladder exercises
  • Connect
drawing Warm-up exercise defense with bench
1 person in the middle plays the ball up, teammates in a circle around it must make sure the ball comes back:
  • With 1 hand touching the ball, never 2x in a row
  • In 5x back or touched 2x by everyone
  • Touching the ground with the hand after each action
Make 5 pairs: perform a task for 45 seconds each.
  • Planks;
  • Handstand, left shoulder, right shoulder, clap;
  • Attack run, dive back to 3 meter line;
  • Moving sideways between center line and 3 meter line;
  • Jump squats.
  • Walking around and along the cones
  • Along the short side do an exercise.
  • For example: knees high, feet against seat, sprint, etc.
drawing Sustained walking
  • Trainer brings ball in at position 6.
  • Pass to 2/3.
  • Server penetrates from P1.
  • Gives setup to P2 or P4.
  • Blocking is put straight through.
  • Ball is calmly attacked in the diagonal.
  • P6 slides into the diagonal to defend.
  • Free net defender assists in defense.
  • Over time, front and back players switch.
  • Server always goes back to P1.
  • Server does not defend.
drawing Attack-defense warm-up
  • Ball is played from P6 to P3.
  • Player on P3 gives a setup to P4 and moves to P2.
  • Player on P4 plays the ball to P6.
  • Pass goes to P3 again, setup now goes to P2 and displacement is to P4.
  • After a while, calm attack is played instead of overhead.
drawing Playing with quintuplets
  • Divide the team into two groups and have them form two rows facing each other on the 3-meter line.
  • Have the players play over the net and then walk around the cone to join the other group.
  • On 1 side, parallel to the sideline, place a speed ladder and before joining the line, have the players do a drill through the ladder.
  • On the other side, place pawns where they have to slalom, turn around.
  • Importantly, the ball should not fall to the ground, communication is important.
  • Optionally add a penalty if the ball falls to the ground. Head roll, Back roll.
  • First with underhand throwing and catching - then overhand. Catch and push change to toss up and over-key.
drawing Warm up with ball


  • throw ball over:
    • from neck
    • left arm
    • right arm
  • replay:
    • OH - OH
    • OH - once for yourself OH
    • OH - once for yourself bra
    • OH - one time for yourself smash
High quality, firm stand, control.

OH overplaying and trailing under the net.

2 against 2

  • At least 1x overplay among themselves, then over the net. After overplaying, run to the net, touch and reverse back into position.
  • To the back line, touch and return to position.
(Intention is to keep the ball in play, so no contest. Full control)