

Welcome to the handball section of Yoursportplanner. Proper training, drills, dedication and fun are the key to success. Currently we offer 953 handball drills and there are 8 handball workouts created by handball coaches.

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    • This is best restricted to inside the 6 meters area.
    • This game is best played with the same number of players in both teams. 
      • Make it harder by making the play between the 6 and 9 meters and the defenders can only do side step/shuffle Objective of the game:
      • get the youth used to contact in handball Divide the players in two teams with roughly equal numbers and abilities (don't put all the big and good players in one team and the rest in the other)
    • The players play the 10 pass game.
    • No passbacks allowed.
    • The defending team will try to stop the attacking team by placing 2 hands on their chest and arm and holding (measure the level of aggressiveness and adjust).
    • If they are successful it's a turnover.
    • Then start over with the same rules.
    • Make it harder by instead of being two hands, being a tactical defence hug and holding 3 seconds.
    drawing Proper hand placement and technique for tagging in defense.
    • This is best restricted to inside the 6 meters area. 
    • This game is best played with the same number of players in both teams. 
      • Make it harder by making the play between the 6 and 9 meters and the defenders can only do side step/shuffle Objective of the game: 
      • get the youth used to contact in handball Divide the players in two teams with roughly equal numbers and abilities (don't put all the big and good players in one team and the rest in the other) 
    • The players play the 10 pass game. 
    • No passbacks allowed. 
    • The defending team will try to stop the attacking team by placing 2 hands on their chest and arm and holding (measure the level of aggressiveness and adjust). 
    • If they are successful it's a turnover. 
    • Then start over with the same rules. 
    • Make it harder by instead of being two hands, being a tactical defence hug and holding 3 seconds. 
    drawing Proper hand placement and technique for tagging in defense.
  •  This is a coordinated minus tempo attack to create a lot of space on the wings and shoot freely.

    • The back players rotate the ball wing to wing to displace the defenders.
    • When the play gets called "Minus tempo Left/Right" this means it will be the left or the right winger to shoot.
    • If the call is Minus tempo right, then it will be the right winger to shoot, as in the example below.

    • The first step is the pivot places themselves on the 3 defender, near the left back, displacing the central defenders slightly to their right already. 
    • The right winger then goes deep to near the corner flag to open up as much as possible. 
    • The left back passes to the left wing, who passes back to the left back, passing to the centre, to the right back, to the centre back again, back to left back, and back to left wing. All these passes will create space by themselves.

    • Once the ball leaves the left wing again, the left back makes a run to goal with the ball attacking between 2 and 3, the centre back does the same attacking around the other 3, and the right back as well attacking between 2 and 1, closer to 2.
    • These runs have to be coordinated to displace all defenders. This will make it so the defenders 1 and 2 on the right side will close on the right back, and the wing will be free.
    • The left back then jumps and passes across the court to the free winger who has started running and has enough momentum and angle to score.

    • If the defenders don't move then there's several other finishing options. If the second 3 defender doesn't close the pivot, the pivot will be free.
    • If the second 3 closes the pivot, but the 2 defender doesn't close on the centre back run, then the centre can score. If the 2 defender closes but the 1 defender doesn't close, then the right back scores. 
    drawing Attacking Play: Decreased Tempo
  • This can make use of an existing outline of a badminton field's lines, or be created with cones.
    This serves 3 purposes:

    • Passing
    • Moving to receive the ball
    • Defense

    • You will need 3 pairs of players.
    • Two pairs on opposite ends of the delimited area trying to pass the ball to each other, and one pair in the middle intercepting. 

    • The pairs on each end, can not pass to their partner, they have to pass to the other pair at the other side of the court. 
    • They can not pass the centre point. 
    • The defending pair will either try to touch the person with the ball, or to intercept the pass.
    • Once the defending team succeeds in one of these, then they swap. 
    • If the pass is out of bounds, they also swap.

    drawing Playing as the middle player in a game of piggy in the middle involves moving to receive the ball, providing defense and cover, and passing to teammates.
  •  This is a resistance and mental strength exercise. 

    • Each player goes to their position. They will have to take 3 - 5 shots in a row, running back to the position as soon as they shoot. For every two shots, they will have to change the third shot.
    • The objective, more than building resistance, is to build mental strength to make the body go forward when we're tired.

    • This will be repeated several times. 
    • The first couple of times the players won't be tired, but after the third or fourth repetition of the series of shots in a row, then they will. 
    • There can also be one player (pivot for example) blocking shots (not 100% defense, just 30%) 
    • If the overall team scores more than 50% than the keeper does 20 push ups, 20 sit ups, and 20 squats. 
    • If the team scores less than, then the team does it. 
    • Make 6 or 8 columns of players (at least 2 in each column).
    • They will have 2 balls in play, with some time distance. (wait until the first ball reaches the middle point and then the second ball starts being passed around)
    • The players will have to pass the ball and run to the column they just passed the ball to. 
    • They will have to be running when they pass the ball, and change passes after a while (normal, bounce, side, underarm,...)
    drawing Passing and receiving the ball in motion.
    • For the physical condition this is a good exercise:
    • The group has to stand in a row and you let them start dribbling easily.
    • As soon as the trainer blows the whistle, the last one of the row should run forwards.
    • You do this until everyone has been last in line and then you let them run a round relaxed
  • 2 and 2 and 3 balls per group
    • Start with 3 balls per group. 1 ball on the ground and played back and forth with the feet, while the other 2 are passed back and forth. Never hold the balls in hands for more than 1 second, always pass back immediately. Don't be nice to your partner, challenge them.
    • Then have 2 balls, with 1 player holding the ball in hand. Throw the ball up and while it's in the air, pass the other ball back and forth once. Make it harder by trying to pass 2, then 3, then 4, then 5 times while the ball is in the air.
    • 2 balls per group - 1 player starts with both balls. Throw 1 high ball and during that time, quickly pass the other ball. The second ball should be caught before the high ball is caught. Add the challenge of passing the quick ball back.
    • 3 balls per group - 1 player starts with all the balls. Throw them in an arc, one by one. All 3 balls should be in the air at the same time and then caught by the receiver.
    drawing passningar för koordination och uppvärmning
  • Materials:
    • use 2-3 soft balls (f-youth foam ball)
    • Set out a field adapted to the number of players.
    • If you have a ball try to throw others off.
    • If you are hit you stand in the goal.
    • If someone catches the ball then everyone is free again.
    • Last one remaining wins
    • do not dribble
    • don't run
    • throw with the wrong arm
    • Players sit on a chair with a ball.
    • Stand up and make three-pass to jump throw and throw at goal (goal, mat, pawn....)
    • Points of attention:
      • Left - right - jump (left-handers vice versa)
      • Arm goes backwards on the right
      • Last pass is big
    • Set down and throw over cabinet
    • Instead of 3-pass a 2-pass i.e. stand up -right-right-jump
    • Mark floor with hats for null pass, catch and drop, and jump shot with 1 or 3 passes.
As an enthusiastic coach and passionate handball trainer, you'll find the ultimate resource for training exercises, tactical insights and tools to create effective workouts. Whether you work with youth or adults, beginners or experienced players, Yoursportplanner will provide you with all the information and tools you need to achieve your goals in the sport you love so much. Don't hesitate and proceed quickly to put together your handball workouts and improve the performance of your handball team.

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